Картина Inside 2021

Описание картины Inside 2021

I would like to express my thinking with two geometric shapes - a rectangle and a square. In psychology and psychotherapy these figures are endowed with special qualities, as well as all others. The square means orderliness, punctuality, analytical thinking and attention to detail. Rectangle highlights volatility, uncertainty, agitation, unpunctuality, and many other qualities.I have always been attracted to geometric shapes, so to paint this picture was a great pleasure for me.

Характеристики работы

Содержание: Другое/разное
Холст: Льняной
Техника: Акрил
Высота (см): 50
Ширина (см): 40
Состояние: Без повреждений
Вид сделки: Продажа

-. 1400.00 ₴

Опубликованно 3 лет назад 246 просмотры 1 звонки
Частное лицо
Ukraine, Одесская область, Одесса
Зарегистрирован Апрель 5, 2021