Картина Essence of Darkness

Описание картины Essence of Darkness

Have you ever wondered what darkness is? Darkness is when there is no light at all ... For each of us, light is the people who surround us. For me - mom, you ... Even you, although you look more like a defective light bulb. And the more sources of this light go out, the more a person plunges into darkness. And he sees nothing in her... and does what he wants, does what he was even ashamed of or afraid to do before... We are fighting these people who have darkness inside... I never tried to understand them, that is, not them to understand why they are like this ... Now I understand.Essence of Darkness

Характеристики работы

Содержание: Весенний пейзаж
Холст: Льняной
Техника: Масло
Состояние: Без повреждений
Вид сделки: Продажа

-. 600.00 $

Опубликованно 3 лет назад 272 просмотры 0 звонки
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Россия, Москва, Москва
Зарегистрирован Март 16, 2022